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Ask for a reference or recommendation

Custom inputs are available to PRO users

Subject: Request for a Professional Reference for [Specific Job or Opportunity]

Dear [Name of the Person],

I hope this email finds you in good health and cheer. I am writing to request a reference or recommendation for a [specific job or opportunity] I am currently applying for. Given our past working relationship and your firsthand knowledge of my skills and qualifications, I believe your endorsement would carry significant weight in this process.

During our time working together at [Company Name], I had the opportunity to hone the skill set needed for the position, such as [relevant skills, qualifications, and experience, e.g., project management, effective communication, and leadership]. I am confident that my background in these areas, coupled with my strong work ethic, make me an excellent candidate for this opportunity.

The deadline for submitting the reference or recommendation is [deadline], and it can be sent directly to [email address or mailing address]. When writing the reference, I kindly ask that you highlight the following aspects of my professional background:

- [Any additional information that would be helpful for them to include, e.g., specific achievements, strengths, and examples of teamwork or leadership]

I truly appreciate your time and consideration for this request. Your kind words and support have always been a significant factor in my professional growth, and I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge and guidance you provided during our time working together. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you once again for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]